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Hunt season has come to an end! 

We will post event details here when they are available. Don't forget to check out our Facebook page too.

 Weekend Hunt 


Master's brief 11.00am. Hounds move off 11.30pm.

For full details on how the day will run, please visit the event on our Facebook Page.

Keep a look out for the Hunt Sign.

Please check the information line (0832 99820) for the exact address, up-dates and possible cancellations.

We look forward to seeing you there.

  • When arriving at the Hunt make sure you sign in at the administration desk.

For adult cappers (Day rider), if you are a paid up member of another hunt the cost for the day is just $35.
For all other adult riders, the cap is $65.

For child cappers (14 and under), the cost for the day is $35.

You can cap as many times as you like, but only 2 caps go towards your Hunt subscription. 

 Midweek Hunt


Master's brief 10.30am. Hounds move off 11.00pm.

For full details on how the day will run, please visit the event on our Facebook Page .

Keep a look out for the Hunt Sign.

Please check the information line (0832 99820) for the exact address, up-dates and possible cancellations.

We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Please note: NO WALKING GROUP MIDWEEK (With the exception of Green Road, on Anzac Day).
  • When arriving at the Hunt make sure you sign in at the administration desk.

For adult cappers (Day rider), if you are a paid up member of another hunt the cost for the day is just $35.
For all other adult riders, the cap is $65.

For child cappers (14 and under), the cost for the day is $35.

You can cap as many times as you like, but only 2 caps go towards your Hunt subscription. 

Waitemata Hunt Fixtures

Ring the Information Line (083299820) for a more precise location of the Hunt, updates or possible changes to hunt fixtures.

  • The weekend Hunt has a walking group, gating group and jumping group. The walking group moves off a few minutes after every one else has gone. This ensures that it is walking only. 

    On a rare occasion the hounds and the field may pass in close proximity. If you are not confident sitting on your horse in this situation and are new to, or back riding after a spell away from the sport, can you consider carefully whether this is an event for you.

  • The weekday Hunt does not have a walking group

Hunt Etiquette and General Information

  • The Hunt is, at all times, the guest of the property owner. Respect this privilege.
  • As a courtesy to the Master, every rider should be mounted and prepared to move off on time. Introduce any guests to the Master well before the hounds move off.
  • Stay behind the Master at all times and follow his/her line.
  • All followers must acknowledge that neither the Hunt nor the Landowner or Managers can be held liable for any personal injury or damage to riders, horses or vehicles arising from the Hunts activities.
  • The Master, Huntsman, Whippers-In and hounds should be given the right of way at all times. Please turn your horse’s head towards them so as to prevent your horse from kicking out as they pass.
  • Always stay with the field. Taking shortcuts can upset the scenting.
  • Ride slowly around stock. Do not ride over ploughed fields, through crops or over young grass or barred country.
  • If your horse refuses, you can try twice again. If it refuses on the third attempt, then ride through the gate.
  • When gates need shutting please call ‘Gate Please’. Ensure the following rider has acknowledged your call. Dismount and tend the gate if stock is close by.
  • Please report any damage to Master or a Committee member.
  • If you see a danger such as a hole or branch you should call ‘Ware hole’ or ‘Ware branch’.
  • If your horse kicks, put a ribbon in the tail and ride responsibly. The red ribbon provides no excuse should you kick a rider or another horse.
  • Permission must be obtained from a Committee member if you retire from the field early.
  • Riders when going home must hack only. No jumping.
  • At the completion of the meet remain with the hounds until they are in the truck.
  • It is a courtesy remain in Hunt attire and to stay until the Master has thanked the landowners. Please bring a plate.
  • Please take away all your rubbish and horse manure.
  • No domestic dogs allowed at any meet.


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